Explore my writing
featured across numerous online and print journals
Publications in English
- Acumen Poetry, Issue 108
- Scottish Poetry Library, For Those Who Tend The Soil
- BBC Radio Scotland, The Upload Showcase
- Poetry Scotland, Issue 106
- Palimpsest Magazine, Issue 2 : Close
- Late Britain Press, Inheritance
- Acedia Journal, Poetry in Spanish
- Leith Writings, Small Talk On The Walk
- Snack Magazine, Edinburgh Festivals Guide 2024
- Black Nore Review, Aplomb
- Scottish Poetry Library, The Soldier Who Raised His Hand
- Scottish Book Trust, Scotland's Stories
- And Other Poems, Issue 4
- Scottish Storytelling Centre, Word Of Mouth Exhibition
- Osmosis Press, Here On the Sand I Lie Down
- Dreich, Season 9, Issue 3
- Dreich, Issue 100A
- Juste Literary, Issue One
- Paperboats Zine, Issue Three: A Turn of the Sun
- Teiresian Magazine, Germination
- Green Ink Poetry, Summer Solstice 24
- Transients Magazine, Issue II: Growing Up
- BarBar Magazine, October Issue
- Spit It Out Project, Notes to my Unborn Child
- Dadakuku Magazine, Fen
- Boats Against the Current, I Remember the Cold
- Beneath the Mask Magazine, Issue Three
- Persimmon Lit, Issue 002: Homestead
- Duck Duck Mongoose Magazine - Issue 6: By the Fireplace
- Disappointment Magazine, Issue One
- Briefly Write, Poetry Prize 2024 Shortlist
- Stone of Madness Press, Issue 24
- Tin Can Poetry, November Issue
- Koru Magazine, October 2023: Nature As A Muse
- CoalitionWorks, Fall 2023 Issue
- Erro Press, Flint Volume I
- The Mersey Review, Motherboard
- Blue Daisies Journal, Ombre
- Coin-Operated Press, This Barbie is a Zine!
- miniMAG, Issue 66
- Ink & Marrow Magazine, Issue 3
- Woman Scream, Mother of the Earth Anthology
- Irshaad Poetry, Sundays for the Soul
- The Creator Magazine, Desire
- Typewronger’s Wrong Directions, Summer Edition
- Typewronger’s Wrong Directions, Autumn Edition
Publications in Spanish
- Revista Cardenal, Poesía Española Actual
- Letras & Poesía, Miembro del colectivo
- Letras & Poesía, Lo Mejor de 2023
- Ediciones Converso, Poesía para redes
- Revista Kametsa, Poesía Internacional
- Diversidad Literaria, Antología del XIII Concurso de poesía “Versos en el aire”
- Nagari en la Web, Péndulo
- Grito de Mujer, Antología Madre de la Tierra
- El Coloquio de los Perros
- Poesía 90, Vino